- Electricblooddonar chairfullycomfortable
- Fully automaticremotefunction forbackrest& footrest
- 220VACOperated 50Hz
- Armresttwo sidewithheightadjustable
- Long life mechanical system with easy use & production limit switch
- Ergonomicdesign
- Comfortable&rightposture
- Lightweight and stylishdesign
- Blood Donation Chair 3 Function - Remote controlled electrically operated backrest, leg section and height adjustment.
- WithIVpole,tray
- Height adjustable
- Size:1880Lx920Wx1350H-1640mm
- BackSection: -10°---80°
- Leg Section: 10°---80°
- SeatSegmentangle:0°---30°
- Trendelenburg /Reversetrendelenburg: 12°
Blood Transfusion Chair
- Electricblooddonar chairfullycomfortable
- Fully automaticremotefunction forbackrest& footrest
- 220VACOperated 50Hz
- Armresttwo sidewithheightadjustable
- Long life mechanical system with easy use & production limit switch
- Ergonomicdesign
- Comfortable&rightposture
- Lightweight and stylishdesign
- Blood Donation Chair 3 Function - Remote controlled electrically operated backrest, leg section and height adjustment.
- WithIVpole,tray
- Height adjustable
- Size:1880Lx920Wx1350H-1640mm
- BackSection: -10°---80°
- Leg Section: 10°---80°
- SeatSegmentangle:0°---30°
- Trendelenburg /Reversetrendelenburg: 12°